Sunday, July 3, 2011

You've Been Trumped

You’ve Been Trumped is a documentary filmed by Anthony Baxter about the construction of a billion-dollar golf course to the North of Aberdeen. Donald Trump fell in love with the scenery on the coast of the Menie Estate 14 km north of Aberdeen; he thought that it was so beautiful that he wanted to build a golf course on it. Unfortunately, people live here, and because the sand dunes here represent a fragile ecosystem, it is actually designated a Site of Specific Scientific Interest (SSSI), essentially a highly protected conservation area. Because of these environmental considerations, a committee convened to investigate the proposal, decided against the development; but soon the Scottish Government stepped in, dismissed the councillor on the committee who had had the casting vote, and paved the way for Trump.

This is a very good documentary showing the various atrocities being committed by the developers and the hired security that has been hired to ensure that no-one knows what is going on in the building site. It’s awful seeing trees and shrubs ripped out by heavy machinery, just to be buried underground; shameful seeing the water supply to local residents cut off by construction and the developers not caring at all; shocking seeing the behaviour of two local police officers arresting Anthony Baxter for “breach of the peace” when all he’d done was ask the head green keeper why local residents had been without water for a week. The director also speaks to an economist to get an opinion as to whether the golf course makes sense economically; it doesn’t seem to.

This is a very important documentary that everyone in the Aberdeen area should see. Of course a few of the interviews with professionals (economist, lawyer, scientist) could have been cherry-picked for the film (though I don’t think they were); but the video evidence of environmental ruin, police brutality, the bullish “I don’t give a shit” attitude of Donald Trump; and general scare tactics of the whole development are not faked. It is a terrible shame that Trump has been allowed to come over here and do whatever he wants simply because he is rich. Very worthwhile seeing if you can.